'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' lets down women and betrays Hermione's legacy


Whether you loved Harry Potter and the Cursed Child or wanted to stab it with a basilisk fang, it's obvious right off the bat the tale is not really J.K. Rowling's. It says so right on the cover. Playwright Jack Thorne was the man primarily entrusted with showing us a glimpse into Harry Potter’s future. Instead, by deflating and devaluing every female character, he blasted Harry 70 years into the past.  

Reading Cursed Child casts the complexity and diversity of Rowling’s original characters into high relief. Jo gave us brainy women, sporty women, delusional women, motherly women, women who only talked about Nargles, women who were also ghosts — the list goes on. They all seemed real, not because Rowling was trying to jam a message down our throats, but because she gave us a full world and women, you know, happen to be an equal part of it. As the pages of Cursed Child flip by, however, these full, complete women we know so well start to fade. They become two-dimensional shadows of their former selves who only store feelings or opinions that help to facilitate our male heroes’ (Harry Potter and his second son Albus) emotional journey. Read more...

More about Jk Rowling, Books, Hermione, Harry Potter And The Cursed Child, and Harry Potter Books

Credit to Mashable.
'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' lets down women and betrays Hermione's legacy 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' lets down women and betrays Hermione's legacy Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, August 18, 2016 Rating: 5

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