An Enagic USA Inc. Review – Is The Company Legit Or Do The Complaints Reveal A Scam?


Company: Enagic USA, Inc.


You may have seen someone with an Enagic USA alkaline water ionizer and started to ask questions about it.

Or you could have been browsing online and came across the business opportunity.

Either way, you most likely have more questions than answers.

You made the right decision to do you research first and it is always recommended.

The last thing you want to do is invest your hard earned money and invaluable time on a scam or illegitimate company claiming thins are that are simply not true.

The reason that I say this is because there are plenty of legit MLMs out there that are inexpensive or even free; more on that after the review.

My reviews consist of fact taken from testimonies and reviews of customers and affiliates.

This guarantees an objective approach to analyzing Enagic USA and ensures that you get all of the information needed to make the right choice.

Remember; I want you to succeed, but more importantly, I want you to find the right MLM so that your needs are filled.

Hopefully this will be accomplished by looking at the history of the company, products & services, and compensation plan.

Let’s face it, the most significant part of starting a business is whether or not you are going to make money!

Let’s get started…

An Enagic USA Overview


Enagic has been around since 1974 in several different capacities. Here is a timeline that will provide you with all of the major accomplishments over the past 42 years. Keep in mind that Enagic did not become water specialists until the late 80s.

  • June 1974: Sony started a specialty trading company, the predecessor of Enagic in Okinawa, Japan.
  • May 1987: Japanese Ministry of Health & Welfare(MHW) allows the Osaka Enagic plant to become a medical equipment producer.
  • March 1988: Promotes True Health philosophy by becoming Kangen water pros.
  • January 2000: Begins to sell LeveLuk DX.
  • October 2001: Toyo Aitex merger, which focused on electrolysis H2O technology.
  • April 2002: Prevention of Geriatric Diseases(PGD) promotes the LeveLuk series.
  • August 2002: Service and maintenance division is created.
  • January 2003: Company expands internationally and Enagic USA was established.
  • April 2003: The Enagic Supply Center was created for cartridges and other goods.
  • June 2003: The L.A branch opened & LeveLuk Super 501 + Anespa bath water system was introduced.
  • September 2003: Taiwan & Hawaii branches opened.
  • November 2003: Yanbaru Natural Materials plant opens & Ukon supplements is established.
  • June 2004: 30th anniversary, New York branch opens and the Kangen Ukon Sigma is launched.
  • September 2004: LeveLuk SD501 product launched.
  • October 2004: Chicago branch opens.
  • February 2005: LeveLuk DXII and JRII models introduced.
  • July 2005: Hong Kong center established.
  • August 2005: Trademark for Kangen Water made in the U.S.
  • July 2006: Canada center established.
  • April 2008: German operations begun.
  • October 2008: Creates its own amateur baseball team.
  • March 2009: The Enagic Sports System(ESS) is launched.

Etc, Etc…

What it boils down to is that Enagic has been around for a very long time and has a commitment to its products.

There is also no need to search for biographical information because all that you really need to know is on their main website.

This nice and does not happen all that often when researching MLMs.

A lot of companies keep certain information private or simply leave stuff out for convenience.

What Is Enagic USA?

Founded by Hironari Oshiro, Enagic claims the following:

According to Enagic USA’s website, they have been the #1 manufacturer of “specialized high Quality water” through their state of the art ionizer.

Their products and systems are sold all over the world and have proven their dedication to customer satisfaction.

They claim to turn your tap water into pure and healthy water that is much better for you.

They have established a direct sales marketing business and they seem to think that it is more personable than the rest.

They also state that they distribute more of the profits back to the independent distributors by providing a superior compensation plan.



Here is a few  of the water machines:

  1. Sun US – $1280
  2. Leveluk Jr. II – $2380
  3. Anespa – $2390
  4. Leveluk DX – $2980
  5. Leveluk DX II – $3280
  6. SD 501 – $3980
  7. Super SD 501 – $5980

Up until I saw the prices of the product, Enagic USA had impressed.

I cannot find a reason to spend this kind of money for “healthier” water when they are just claims and there is little to no scientific proof confirming this.

Ok, people might be able to find this so called proof from specialists or a few scientists but they all have some sort of affiliation with Enagic USA or one of their offices.

I want proof from organizations like the World Health Organization(WHO) in order to believe that anything substantial will change by drinking their water.

There will be much more information on these two topics later in the review but for now, let’s take a look at the compensation plan.

Compensation Plan


In order to become an Independent Enagic Distributor you have to:

  • Get sponsored by an Enagic Distributor
  • Agree to follow all of the Policies and Procedures
  • Submit an application to the company and be accepted

Ok, right away I see some issues. They aren’t deal breakers but they are just a few things that are annoying in my opinion.

For example, you have to get sponsored by an already existing distributor which means that you have to track one down and trust someone that you most likely don’t know.

Agreeing to the Policies/Procedures and submitting an application seems a little overboard for making money for a company.

Look, I know that distributors get compensation, but Enagic gets the majority of the profit.

You get stuck with selling and recruiting. The only thing that saves them on this point is that you can sign up for free and you do not have to buy a system in order to become a distributor.

Here is a list of benefits that ALL distributors receive:

  • Inventory stocked by Enagic
  • Zero monthly qualifications
  • Annual renewal doesn’t exist
  • Daily commissions
  • Bank direct deposits
  • 6 ways to get paid
  • Possible international sponsorships

I have to admit, these are a lot of benefits but most of them are commonplace and just about all MLMs & direct sale companies have them.

The 8 Point Commission

Here is the main concept of the 8 Point Commission plan.

For each product that is sold, points are given to the distributed amongst the team according to rank.

If you are rank 1A then you get 1 point.

IF you are rank 2A then you get 2 points.

Get the picture now?

Basically, these points become multipliers and you can earn according to the number of points you get per sale. Here is a picture to help you see the payment system: *************



  • You must sell a unit & you can sell one to yourself and it counts.
  • You create a new 1A team every time you sell a unit as a 1A distributor.


  • You have to be a 1A Distributor first.
  • You have to sell 2 units.


  • You have to sell 10 units combined between you and your team.
  • You must be paid as a 3A distributor for your next personal direct sale.


  • Sell a total of 20 units between you and your team.
  • Earn as a 4A distributor for the next personal direct sale.


  • Sell a total of 50 units amongst you and your team.
  • You must earn as a 5A distributor with your next personal direct sale.


  • Sell a total of 100 units between you and your team.
  • You have to personally sell a unit in order to get paid at this rank.

Education Allowance

After you become a 6A Distributor you will start receiving an Educational Allowance after each unit is sold below your 8 points. These bonuses are paid daily and you must be a 6A or above.

Here is the bonus payout:

Super SD 501 – $220

SD 501 – $175

Leveluk DX – $150

Anespa – $125

There is also a Development Bonus, a Leadership Bonus, an International Bonus Pool and finally, a Group Sales Incentive Bonus.

These are reserved for the higher ranks so very few receive these bonuses unless you are a recruitment and direct sales monster.


What I Liked

Almost everything you need to know about the company is on the website.

The website is impressive and I wish all MLMs were this open and honest in regards to public information.

Japanese are known for their pride and respect for their customers so I am not surprised that little is hidden from their customers.

I also really liked the fact that they have several different price points and several different products.

The issue I have with the products is that they are so expensive and Enagic might be targeting the wrong types of people.

More on that below…

What I Didn’t Like

The first issue I have with Enagic is the price.

My gosh, who wants to pay up to $5000+ for a water dispenser.

I know I don’t and this will be a tough sell, putting all the pressure on you.

I understand that the company wants to make sure that the compensation plan is worth while but water is the most abundant resource on the planet….

Let’s get real.

Here is a list of questions that I would like to ask Enagic or a distributor:

  • Why is there only a 5 year warranty on the ionizer when some of your competitors offer longer terms?
  • Why does your 30 day return policy only pertain to unopened & unused machines?
  • Why do your machines require the electrolysis enhancement?
  • Why don’t you provide a self cleaning function on your machines?
  • Why is there only a 7 day return policy if a customer opens or uses the machine?
  • Why are customers charged $500 for a restocking fee if they return it within the first 7 days?

Look, I’m not saying that Enagic USA is a scam but these questions deserve answers.  Especially for a product that provides no clinically proven health benefits. All of the research done into their products is nothing more than pseudoscience conducted by paid affiliates.

Final Verdict

Before I make my final verdict, I’d like to point out the main factors that I will be basing my decision on.

  • Very expensive products
  • Direct selling to make money
  • Compensation plan forces you to recruit and lacks team growth

Therefore, I do not recommend this business opportunity unless you are very good at direct sales and recruiting. If you are a beginner, stay away and find something else.

Here are a few links that might make your decision a little easier.

BBB Complaints on Enagic USA

Here are 3 more links:

Complaint 1 

Complaint 2  

Complaint 3  

There is no way that Enagic USA is a scam. It has products and services.

So the business itself is fine.

However, the direct sale aspect of the business seems more like a way for the company to generate more revenue.

I hope you enjoyed my review and that you at least learned something.

If you have any questions or want to post a comment about this company or the review, make sure to fill out the form below.

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An Enagic USA Inc. Review – Is The Company Legit Or Do The Complaints Reveal A Scam? An Enagic USA Inc. Review – Is The Company Legit Or Do The Complaints Reveal A Scam? Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, September 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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