15 Of the Best Reactions to Trump Winning the Election.

#1 Parental Move

This parents took it out on his kids.

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#2 No, WE'RE The Worst

Nobody trumps Britain like the USA can!

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#3 The Whole World:

The globe is in shock and/or embarrassed for what's to come.

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#4 Orange is New Black

If only this were just a Netflix series, everyone would be able to breathe easier.

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#5 No Experience Needed

Now that's some real good advice, actually! Shoot your shot, guys!

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#6 We Must Go Back!

Someone please get this man a time machine.

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#7 At the Canada Border

Being that the Canadian tourism site crashed, it would NOT be that surprising

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#8 Europe Waking Up Like...

No one saw this coming, even the Europeans across the pond!

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#9 Lady Liberty in Hiding

When Lady Liberty starts hiding from the masses, then you know there's something wrong going on.

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#10 No Experience

There's no longer any excuses for us to not have any job. Trump showed us that anything is possible.

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#11 Ahhh

Now we know that the hurricane was actually a warning from God.

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#12 Remember Berlin?

Oh man, now this is too ironic!

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#13 No Neflix. No Chill.

This can become a new tradition every four years!

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#14 Oh the Irony

Safer borders only means one of our two...

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#15 Oh Hey Canada

It's now all about finding a way to fit in... 3e9b6689d0a9cbe706b16734eab34c5d.600x
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15 Of the Best Reactions to Trump Winning the Election. 15 Of the Best Reactions to Trump Winning the Election. Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, November 11, 2016 Rating: 5

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