20 People Having a Way Worse Day Than You

So you think you’re having a really bad day because you failed to get a morning coffee, or you stepped into a puddle in your brand new white shoes? Hah! It’s nothing but a mere nuisance, compared to what other people have experienced. Of course, not talking about the actual horrible stuff that can happen, because that would be messed up.
Here are 20 people having a really crappy day! Hope this makes you feel better.



What’s worse: Nutella not getting into your mouth or spending an hour trying to clean it off?



Sometimes you don’t want to double tap.



Well, at least it should keep the cat busy.

*hint-hint* Time to hit a gym *nudge-nudge*



And that’s $2000 not spent on beer. Shame.

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2eFmRiO

20 People Having a Way Worse Day Than You 20 People Having a Way Worse Day Than You Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, November 07, 2016 Rating: 5

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