This Guy Re-Creates Famous Movie Scenes With His Cats And It's Hilarious

The only kind of remakes worth doing tbh.

Willow and Tara are two 4-year-old Burmese cats from Nottingham, England. Every week, they recreate iconic movie scenes with their humans David and Sarah Chapman.

Willow and Tara are two 4-year-old Burmese cats from Nottingham, England. Every week, they recreate iconic movie scenes with their humans David and Sarah Chapman.

Sarah Chapman

You may have seen them in the hit “remake” of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

You may have seen them in the hit "remake" of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial...

Universal Pictures

Instagram: @moviecats

Bursting out of Kane’s chest in Alien

Bursting out of Kane's chest in Alien...

20th Century Fox

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from Design & Directed
This Guy Re-Creates Famous Movie Scenes With His Cats And It's Hilarious This Guy Re-Creates Famous Movie Scenes With His Cats And It's Hilarious Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 Rating: 5

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