15 Before & After Pics Of Aleppo

After nearly five years of insane all-out war, and 30,000 reported deaths, the battle of Aleppo is slowly dwindling down. People can now safely leave the besieged areas, thanks to the ceasefire agreement that has been recently signed. The rebel-held areas in Idlib province, and pro-government forces, are now taking in anyone and everyone from the Syria’s biggest city. Or at least it used to be one of the biggest cities.
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before-after-syrian-civil-war-aleppo- (2)


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before-after-syrian-civil-war-aleppo- (4)

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2hEaaZ1

15 Before & After Pics Of Aleppo 15 Before & After Pics Of Aleppo Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, December 31, 2016 Rating: 5

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