Customer Pays The Bill Of An Elderly Couple, Then The Waitress Reveals Something Touching!

Kristen Kinzle had gone to a café within Los Angeles to eat when one elderly couple caught her attention. They were happily enjoying their breakfast and she concluded they were in love. Their happiness is what caught her attention most. Despite that, there is something she did not like – the customers at the opposite table where ruining their romantic time. Since they had made her day, she decided to brighten theirs too. So she decided to pay their bill. Once she had paid, she discovered something that left her in tears and it is something you can’t miss in the clip below. All in all, she had touched their lives when it mattered most. This story is one of those moments that restores faith in humanity, so go ahead and watch the video. Kindly SHARE with your Facebook friends to inspire them to touch lives out there! [video_player]

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Contributer : Viral Stories
Customer Pays The Bill Of An Elderly Couple, Then The Waitress Reveals Something Touching! Customer Pays The Bill Of An Elderly Couple, Then The Waitress Reveals Something Touching! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, December 10, 2016 Rating: 5

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