This Poor Puppy Almost Lost Hope, But These Heroes Didn't Give Up On Him!

When Animal Aid Unlimited found Jeremy the hound dog on the streets of India, he'd sustained some of the most traumatic injuries they'd ever seen. Even worse, however, was his broken spirit. Days earlier, Jeremy had been hit by a car. The impact was so strong that his teeth had punctured through his lip and his left leg was barely hanging onto his body by a bit of bloody flesh. Confused and traumatized, Jeremy kept biting his leg and then falling to the ground. Clearly, the pain was excruciating. After performing emergency surgery and amputating the injured limb, rescuers knew...

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This Poor Puppy Almost Lost Hope, But These Heroes Didn't Give Up On Him! This Poor Puppy Almost Lost Hope, But These Heroes Didn't Give Up On Him! Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, December 23, 2016 Rating: 5

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