The 20 Strangest Facts You Wish Weren’t Real

Humans are extremely curious creatures, sometimes even too curious for their own good. They say “ignorance is bliss” for a reason, you know. The more you know about your surroundings, the less you want to live on this planet, especially when it comes to the information that concerns each and every person in the world in some way. Without further ado, let’s dive into these 20 weirdest, most disgusting facts you wish weren’t real!



1. Ancient Romans used urine to whiten teeth and wash their clothes. If the urine breath was considered normal, I’d hate to find out what the pre-piss breath smelled like.

2. The iconic Scottish bagpipes were originally made from the whole skin of dead sheep.



3. Jelly beans are covered in bug poop, aka “shellac”. Bon appetit!

Contributer Brain Berries

The 20 Strangest Facts You Wish Weren’t Real The 20 Strangest Facts You Wish Weren’t Real Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, January 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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