She Was Heartbroken When She Thought Her Dog Died -- Then This Hero Stepped In

On March 21, 35-year-old Crystal Lamirande came home to see that her Santa Monica apartment was engulfed in flames. She was terrified because her 10-year-old dog named Nalu was still trapped inside but she couldn't get past the smoke to rescue him. That's when Andrew Klein, a firefighter for the Santa Monica Fire Department, found the unconscious pup that wasn't breathing and didn't have a pulse. "I discovered him amidst all the smoke and the heat. I grabbed him and as soon as I grabbed him I knew that he was unresponsive just by his dead weight," he said. Facebook...

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She Was Heartbroken When She Thought Her Dog Died -- Then This Hero Stepped In She Was Heartbroken When She Thought Her Dog Died -- Then This Hero Stepped In Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, March 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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