15 Twitter accounts every web designer should follow

Twitter is jam-packed full of web design tips and inspiration. Whether you want to learn more about CSS, HTML, JavaScript or simply get some advice, Twitter's usually a great place to start to get in touch with the experts. Here, we pick 10 of our favourite Twitter accounts to follow in the field of web design and development...

01. Sara Soueidan

Award-winning freelance frontend developer Sara Soueidan is a mine of information when it comes to HTML5, SVG, CSS and JavaScript. She's passionate about sharing her knowledge, and speaks at conferences all over the world – when her Lebanese passport will allow it. Follow her for bite-sized chunks of info, links to useful articles, and painful recounts of visa woes. 

02. Jake Archibald

Jake Archibald is a developer advocate for Google Chrome, seasoned conference speaker and big fan of Service Workers. His bio states his aim is to help "the web to do what native does best, and fast", and he shares plenty of information and tips to that end in his Twitter feed. 

03. Denise Jacobs

The Miami-based author of The CSS Detective Guide, Denise Jacobs is an inspiring designer who often shares advice and tips. At the moment she's particularly interested in the science of creativity, so you'll also find plenty of advice to help you supercharge your creative productivity.

04. Brad Frost

Based in Pittsburgh, PA, Brad Frost is a web developer focusing on HTML and CSS. He's also a leading voice in responsive web design, having come up with the popular Atomic Design methodology to help people craft successful UI design systems. Often writing features and regularly updating his blog, Frost is a fantastic developer to follow in terms of advice and inspiration. He's pretty hilarious too!

05. Jen Simmons

Jen Simmons is a "designer who builds stuff, too". She’s best-known as the host of The Web Ahead, a podcast about changing technologies and the future of the web. She regularly tweets inspirational content and often shares her thoughts on the industry, making for some interesting debate.

06. Sarah Drasner

Sarah Drasner is an award-winning speaker, consultant and writer for CSS-Tricks, and she specialises in animation. Follow her for advice on web animation, including insights on Vue.js, React and SVG.  And if you want a taste of her expertise, check out her tutorial on creating  animations that scale

07. Tim Holman

Tim Holman describes himself as a 'tinkerer, tuner, tamperer'. He's also a developer at CodePen. His Twitter feed is full of creative coding examples and interactive experiments – definitely worth a follow.

08. Dan Cederholm

Based in Salem, MA, Dan Cederholm is the co-founder of Dribbble as well as the designer, author and speaker of design studio Simple Bits. He shares some fantastic web design-focused content, plus he's funny and personal on his account, so well worth a follow.

09. Leisa Reichelt

Previously the head of user research at the UK Government Digital Service, Leisa Reichelt is currently applying her service design skills in the Australian Government. Hers is a great account to follow when it comes to content design and information architecture.

10. Jeffrey Zeldman

Jeffrey Zeldman is one of the most influential web designers in the industry today. Formerly of Happy Cog, he's now heading up studio.zeldman. He's also the man behind A Book Apart, A List Apart and An Event Apart, and the author of Designing With Web Standards

11. Jenn Lukas

Jenn Lukas is a frontend consultant and developer living in Philadelphia who also co-hosts the Ladies in Tech podcast. ‪She specialises in skillshare and often offers advice and tips over on The Nerdary. She's always tweeting helpful hints for web designers; check out our interview with her here.

12. Bruce Lawson

Bruce Lawson is the co-author of Introducing HTML5, globetrotter and self-styled 'web standards lovegod'. He's very much worth following for witty comments, handy web design tips, and photos of his eye-watering wardrobe choices.

13. Sarah Parmenter

Since 2003, Sarah Parmenter has run a small web design studio called You Know Who. Based in England, they specialise in attractive, intuitive interfaces for iOS and the web. She regularly shares handy hints and advice as well as her inspirations.

14. Heydon Pickering

Heydon Pickering is a freelance web accessibility consultant, interface designer and writer. Follow him for UX advice and resources, plus insights on accessibility gained from his work with web accessibility specialists The Paciello Group. 

15. Ethan Marcotte

Ethan Marcotte coined the term 'responsive web design', so he's kind of a big deal. You've probably heard of him. He's now an independent web designer, and he has a lot to say on responsive web design, as you can imagine. If that doesn't sway you, he's also a 'GIF sommelier'. 

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Contributer : Creative Bloq
15 Twitter accounts every web designer should follow 15 Twitter accounts every web designer should follow Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, May 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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