Now that 'Wonder Woman' is a hit, where do female superhero movies go next?


In the dozen or so years between mid-aughts bombs Catwoman and Elektra and last weekend's Wonder Woman, we've had roughly 40 major superhero movies starring men. 

Fortunately, it looks like Wonder Woman will be no mere one-off anomaly. With a little bit of luck, Diana could find herself at the forefront of a veritable wave of lady heroes. 

Wonder Woman was under enormous pressure for all the reasons typical of its genre — its gigantic budget, the shaky state of the DCEU franchise. But it also bore an especially heavy burden.  Read more...

More about Movies, Wonder Woman, and Entertainment

COntributer : Mashable

Now that 'Wonder Woman' is a hit, where do female superhero movies go next? Now that 'Wonder Woman' is a hit, where do female superhero movies go next? Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, June 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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