Watch Rihanna visit schools in Malawi to advocate for better education for students


Rihanna is a citizen of the world and wants to do as much to help it as possible.

Not only is Rihanna the founder of Clara Lionel Foundation, the pop star is also an ambassador for the Global Partnership for Education. It is on behalf of these two organizations and Global Citizen that Rihanna visited Malawi earlier this year to raise awareness focused on health and education rights for students of one of the smallest African countries. 

Rihanna's trip to Malawi is shown in a short documentary released Wednesday, and follows her as she visits schools and speaks with community members about education and health.  Read more...

More about Watercooler, Conversations, Culture, Malawi, and Culture

COntributer : Mashable

Watch Rihanna visit schools in Malawi to advocate for better education for students Watch Rihanna visit schools in Malawi to advocate for better education for students Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, June 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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