What This Dude Tried To Walk Out Of A 7-Eleven With Is Comically Stupid

Plenty of thieves walk out of gas stations with stolen goods stuffed in their jackets and pants, but what this guy thought he could get away with is seriously dumb. Detective Phil Ryan was sitting in an unmarked car outside of a 7-Eleven in Lakeland, Florida, when he saw 38-year-old William J. Hall walk in the store. When Hall came back outside, his previously baggy pants looked noticeably more filled out and he was struggling to walk. That's when Ryan stepped out of his vehicle and escorted Hall back inside. After being told to unload everything he had tried to...

Contributer : ViralNova.com http://ift.tt/2t1Muzt
What This Dude Tried To Walk Out Of A 7-Eleven With Is Comically Stupid What This Dude Tried To Walk Out Of A 7-Eleven With Is Comically Stupid Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, June 14, 2017 Rating: 5

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