This is why a good UX is essential for your mobile website

Chart of the day: Research by Google reveals why it's so important your mobile website has good user experience

Mobile experience directly affects conversions and whether users will purchase again.

Users who have a bad mobile user experience are 60% less likely to revisit and purchase from that brand in future. In addition, 90% of users who report having a good experience would purchase from the brand again.

It isn't a "chart" as such, but as you can see from the graphics from Google below, those users who had an interruptive experience, which wasn't fast or smooth (in terms of load times etc) are less likely to purchase from that brand in future.

What do users need?

They need speed and assistance, people may be using their mobile in the moment of researching a purchase - mobile data may also be slowing them down, your site should not encourage this. With mobile increasingly important for both product research and sales, your site needs to be fast and responsive. Ads often slow down pages and they don't need to provide a poor experience, ads can still be well embedded on websites - they simply should not be annoying.

Users want to research, read your content or even purchase from your site as quickly and easily as possible. Frustration doesn't sell, giving your users a seamless experience along with giving them control, choice and relevant content on their mobile is more likely to lead to increased conversions.

Contributer : Smart Insights
This is why a good UX is essential for your mobile website This is why a good UX is essential for your mobile website Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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