10 Unique Inventions That Changed The World Forever

Humanity is all about evolution, so no wonder people are trying to invent something new all the time. It all started thousands of years ago when the ancient human grabbed a stone to use as a tool. Then there was the wheel, the steam machine, the printing press, radio, electricity, and now here we are, living in the digital world with information running at the speed of light all around us. Some inventions are more important, others are less so, but all of them change the world around us one way or the other. Here are 10 unique inventions that we often take for granted, but that have changed our lives for the better.



Many people can’t remember the days when food used to stick to the pan, or get over or undercooked (although that mostly depends on the skill of the person cooking). Teflon became a great game-changer and transformed the way we cook today. Non-stick frying pans can now be found in any kitchen!



Barcodes may seem of no importance to most people, but they have actually changed the way we shop today. These boring black-and-white lines contain data that can be quickly scanned, thus, making our shopping a whole lot easier. As barcodes are unavoidable nowadays, many companies get creative with their designs, making their product look more unique.

Pacemakers have saved more lives than we can count. This small medical device helps maintain adequate heart rate when the heart’s natural pacemaker is out of order. Nowadays they come as small as a pill and can be inserted using a leg catheter, avoiding invasive surgery.



A student invented Mauveine by accident, but it has changed the world of fashion, fabric, and textiles forever. Also known as aniline purple, it was the first synthetic organic chemical dye ever invented, and lately mass-produced. Thousands of such dyes have been made since then, but it was the one that started it all!

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2xv38JY

10 Unique Inventions That Changed The World Forever 10 Unique Inventions That Changed The World Forever Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, October 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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