The 5-Minute Facebook Test That May Cause You to Shift Your Marketing Strategy

More than 80% of Instagram users are outside the USA |

When one of our clients launched their non-profit, they profiled their ideal target audience (often referred to as an avatar or customer profile) and determined that it was an affluent American.

They launched an Instagram account and Facebook Page, and, surprise, surprise! They learned that the vast majority of their followers live in the Philippines, Indonesia, Brazil, India, and Nigeria. Fans from the US ranked eighth on their list.

The organization adjusted their marketing strategy and asked me to shift my content writing to appeal to an audience who speaks English as a second language. As soon as they made the shift, the organization experienced exponential growth.

Where are your followers from?

Right now, make your best guess of where most of your Facebook fans and Instagram followers live.

Now, check your Facebook Page Insights (click the People tab from within Insights) and Instagram Insights (if you have a Business Profile).

How close did you come with your guess?

Answer these four questions:

  1. What percentage of men vs. women follow your Page?
  2. What are the two top age ranges of your fans?
  3. What country do your fans live in?
  4. What primary language do they speak?

Here’s a peek at Blogging Bistro’s Facebook fan demographics:

Facebook Fan Demographics |

Surprising, yet not surprising. In the past, our page had a higher percentage of male fans; it was almost 50-50, in fact. This shift to nearly 75% female fans tells me I can publish more “feminine” posts without alienating a large proportion of my fans.

Blogging Bistro’s Facebook fan base is strongest in the 45-54 age range, followed by 35-44 and 55-64. That gels with our client base, most of whom are Gen Xers and Baby Boomers.

I checked country of origin, and 77% of our fans live in the US, followed distantly by India, Canada, and Pakistan. Again, this meshes with where our client base lives.

If you live in the US, you may assume that most of your Facebook and Instagram fans are also from the US. And they might be, if you do business primarily in the US.

But based on global statistics, approximately 83.1% of Facebook’s monthly active users are outside the U.S. and Canada (the U.S. accounts for 14% of Facebook’s audience).

And more than 80% of Instagram’s users are outside the US.

Are you hitting the target?

Your ideal audience’s gender, age, country, and language will determine your marketing strategy.

Are you hitting the mark? Or are you seeing a disconnect? Please leave a quick comment and let me know what you discovered.

Need help?

Unsure who your ideal target audience is? Need help figuring out how to reach your ideal audience?

Our one-to-one coaching will help you take your website, blog, and social media marketing to the next level. Coaching sessions (via e-mail and/or conference calls) are customized to your specific needs.

Check out our coaching services and rates, and contact Laura Christianson to get started.

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Over 83% of Facebook’s monthly active users are outside the U.S. & Canada

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4 quick Facebook Insights that can revolutionize your marketing strategy

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The U.S. accounts for 14% of Facebook’s audience

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More than 80% of Instagram’s users are outside the US

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The 5-minute Facebook test that may cause you to shift your marketing strategy

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Contributer : Blogging Bistro
The 5-Minute Facebook Test That May Cause You to Shift Your Marketing Strategy The 5-Minute Facebook Test That May Cause You to Shift Your Marketing Strategy Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, October 30, 2017 Rating: 5

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