Think Models Have To Be Super Tall? This Stunner Is About To Prove You So Wrong

If you've ever seen a runway show, you're probably used to seeing tall, thin, white models. That used to be the industry standard, but times are changing, and they're changing rapidly. More and more, fashion lines are realizing that people of all colors and sizes want to be represented in the clothes they have to offer. After all, we all have to wear clothes, right? The reality is that there's tons of money to be made by catering to a diverse array of fashionable people instead of limiting themselves to the small percentage of the population that fits inside the...

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Think Models Have To Be Super Tall? This Stunner Is About To Prove You So Wrong Think Models Have To Be Super Tall? This Stunner Is About To Prove You So Wrong Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, November 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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