Things Your Zodiac Sign Says About You, According To The Internet

Astrology is the best pseudo-science ever. It’s the general belief that the day on which you were born will have a severe impact on your personality for the rest of your life. In the nature-nurture debate, astrology swings all the way to the “nature” side.


According to unknown researchers someone found on the internet, these are some of the things your Zodiac sign say about you.



Aries (March 21st – April 19th)
Aries are – how could they not be – known for their amazing strength, confidence and charisma. If you were born on April 20th, however, you’re a weakling.



Taurus (April 20th – May 20th)
People born in this specific time of the year are very methodical and gentle souls. They’re very materialistic though. Because we all know bulls are secretly gold diggers.

Gemini (May 21st – June 20th)
These people are talkers. Wildly optimistic, vivid talkers. Also, according to internet science, they’re cheaters when in relationships. The more you know. Oh, and they’re highly intelligent.



Cancer (June 21st – July 22nd)
The crab is very empathic. You’d think they’d be crabby, huh? I mean, just imagine. Zodiac signs might actually make sense if that happened. But nope, they’re empathic. Not crabby.

Contributer Brain Berries

Things Your Zodiac Sign Says About You, According To The Internet Things Your Zodiac Sign Says About You, According To The Internet Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, December 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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