Japanese YouTuber Perfectly Sums Up Everything That’s Wrong With Logan Paul
While YouTuber Logan Paul has received massive backlash from all over the world mainly for his now infamous ‘Suicide Forest’ video, many have pointed out that he has, in fact, done other deplorable things in Japan that also deserve to be criticized.
And as Paul is further exposed as the obnoxious person that he is, more and more voices are sharing their thoughts on the disgraced social media influencer’s other ill-conceived acts.
Yuta Aoki, an author and popular social media personality from Japan, recently gave his take on the issue after his own followers asked him what he thought about what Logan Paul has done.
“Logan Paul is a lot worse than you may think,” wrote Aoki on his Facebook account. He added that he felt Paul did not treat the Japanese people, or even Asians in general, with the same respect as others.
“Sure, Japanese people are generally smaller and less physically intimidating compared to non-Asian people. Is that why he thought he could get away with more in Japan?”
In a 12-minute video, the Aoki further summed up what is wrong with the controversial 22-year-old vlogger.
“I’m not usually a big fan of making this kind of video where I accuse people publicly, he noted. “But those videos were so bad I just felt like I have to say something as a Japanese person who has some social following with English speakers.”
He then showed multiple clips from Logan’s Japan trip, where the YouTuber shamelessly annoyed random people on the street, in the market, and even in a temple.
“Now, it goes without saying that our temple is a religious place, and it doesn’t really matter which country you go. If you go to a religious place… you need to be quiet and be respectful. But he does the complete opposite. He was loud, disrespectful and obnoxious.”
“Look at the people who are praying quietly,” he further lamented. “Logan he was very vulgar and the way he throws the coins. It’s just very rude the way he does it.”
Aoki also noted that when Logan’s group was kicked out of the temple, it was the Japanese guide who was left apologizing on his behalf, while Logan “was acting like it was as though it was somebody else’s problem.”
He then showed a clip where Logan went to a popular fish market in Tokyo and started doing his antics.
“I mean what’s wrong with those people, really? He jumps onto a moving vehicle and provokes a driver. If a five-year-old did that kind of stuff in Japan they’re going to have a very serious talk with their parents. When I was like five, I think my nursery school friends knew much better than him”
He also narrated how authorities have recently added restrictions in the market due to rude behavior of other tourists that, like Paul, have zero respect for their host country.
“If his suicide first video was just an isolated case I would have said maybe we should give him the benefit of the doubt,” he explained. “(But) it’s just part of what he does the whole premise of his channel is him being disruptive, annoying, obnoxious, misbehaving, provoking people in public.”
“It seems like his parents didn’t teach him this but if you go to a foreign country where you are minority whether you like it or not people see you as a kind of representative of your country so it’s always good to be extra mindful.”
Aoki also gave Paul’s fans something to think about: “If you think his videos are funny, let me remind you that he is doing a huge disservice to his own people he embodies all kinds of negative stereotypes for being obnoxious, bad-mannered, disruptive, inconsiderate and disrespectful.”
Aoki’s video, posted both on Youtube and Facebook on Friday, has so far been viewed by over 400,000 collectively.
The post Japanese YouTuber Perfectly Sums Up Everything That’s Wrong With Logan Paul appeared first on NextShark.
Contributer : NextShark

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