10 Ancient Mysteries That Will Probably Remain Unsolved Forever

Modern science is becoming more and more advanced with each passing year, but there are still things that can’t be explained even using the most cutting-edge gadgets and technology. Mainly this happens because the mysteries we are about to reveal date back so many years, it’s virtually impossible to find out the truth now. Archaeologists and historians join their forces with physicists and scientists from all possible fields to explain things like the death of King Tut, Peruvian Saksaywaman, and a whole plain of ancient jars uncovered in Laos. We all love a good mystery, don’t we? But these 10 ancient mysteries will probably remain unsolved forever.



Peru is home to dozens of ancient wonders, Saksaywaman being one of the most mysterious ones. Located in Cuzco, this architectural marvel was built in 11th century, which is really hard to believe from the engineering point of view. The boulders of this structure are fit so perfectly together that even a thin sheet of paper won’t pass between them. Ancient Inca people definitely used some kind of technology that we simply don’t know about today! Some scientists even theorize they somehow softened the stones using a mysterious concoction made of plants or by directing the sun’s heat with mirrors to ‘melt’ the stones.



The Gobekli Tepe
Can you imagine a structure built roughly 11,000 years ago? Archaeologists obviously couldn’t, until they dug up the mysterious Gobekli Tepe built, against all odds, in the Stone Age. Many believe this to be the very first temple ever built by humankind! The excavation site is dotted with remarkable carvings of people and ancient animals, as well as huge pillars decorated with ornaments. And all this done in the age when civilizations supposedly had no metal tools whatsoever! This temple may very well hold the key to the evolution of the human race.

The Easter Island
The Easter Island just doesn’t get any less mysterious as time goes by! On the island you can find over 200 hundred ancient statues truly gigantic in size – each being more than 14 feet high. Archaeologists and engineers still can’t figure out how ancient people managed to erect and move these 14-ton statues from one place to another. This would be hard to do even in modern days! Ancient settlers had to transport massive stones around the island, carve them, and finally raise them (Stonehenge, anyone?).



A plain filled with ancient jars
What is it with ancient people leaving bizarre evidence of their existence behind? For example, in Laos there’s a huge plain packed with gigantic Megalithic jars. The mystery of the Xieng Khouang plain has been torturing scholars since the early 30s when it was first discovered by a bunch of lucky archaeologists. They dubbed it the Plain of Jars, but the name doesn’t really prepare you for the bizarre image of 3,000 huge stone jars scattered all over the place. Mind you, each jar weighs at least several tones! All the jars were masterfully carved, hinting to the usage of iron chisels or other advanced instruments. Yet there is nothing historians can tell us about the people that could have made those jars or the reason why they placed them the way they did.

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2BgOIBA

10 Ancient Mysteries That Will Probably Remain Unsolved Forever 10 Ancient Mysteries That Will Probably Remain Unsolved Forever Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, February 07, 2018 Rating: 5

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