15 Common Misconceptions About The Human Body

The human body, despite being something we depend on daily, is still a great mystery to us. I think it’s mostly because we don’t care – if it works, it works. That said, every now and then some misconceptions about our own bodies pop up. We have no idea where these exist or why they’re still happening, but it’s about time someone stepped up the plate and told us the truth.



“You Should Drink 8 Glasses Of Water”
Good news for all the alcoholics out there, this isn’t true. You actually already get most of the water you need from food and other sources, so you shouldn’t force yourself to drink water if you’re not thirsty. Or ever.



“Starve a Fever And Feed A Cold”
Don’t starve anything, you need your food for energy to fight your illness.



“Men Think About Sex Every 7 Seconds”
Some men probably do, but most men don’t. In fact, only 54% of men think about sex on a daily basis.

“Shampoo and Conditioner Fix Split Ends”
Split ends are officially dead. Nothing left to do but cut them off. Shampoo isn’t made of Lazarus Pits juice.



“You Can Sweat Out Toxins”
Sweat does nothing but cool your body down. It might be a side effect from the toxins giving you a fever, but that’s about it.

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2F1fuky

15 Common Misconceptions About The Human Body 15 Common Misconceptions About The Human Body Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, March 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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