Top 7 Recent Innovations That Have a Big Future

If you are an 80-90’s kid, you’ve seen enough sci-fi movies and TV shows to understand that our future will be amazing! I’m not saying everything from those movies will come to be (technology-wise), but you have to agree that even today the tech our brightest minds are developing is getting freaking ridiculous. 3D printers, robots, Hyper-loops… what’s not to love? So, here are 7 recent innovations that will have a bright future.



1. Hyper-loop Trains
Thanks to Elon Musk, who’s a real doer, the engineers have been developing a safe way to propel “trains” through a near-vacuum tube at supersonic speeds using magnetic levitation. Imagine traveling 1000 km in a single hour! Soon, my friends, soon…



2. Vertical Farming
Humans are humping like crazy and don’t seem to care about the food at all. Some are probably thinking that it’s not a big problem, since shops and markets have plenty of food, but they are wrong. I mean, sure, they’ll live and die, and it will neither hurt nor help, but there are 7 BILLIONS of us on this space rock we call Earth.
Preaching aside, it’s pretty clear we’ll need to figure out the food deal first. That’s where the vertical farming comes in. And it does exactly what it says – produces yummies in vertically stacked layers, like in a tall building, a warehouse, or some random shipping container. This will allow us to grow 1000 times more produce than normal farming!

3. Agile Robots
Look, I’m just going to leave with this video, and let you figure out for what purposes these robots can be used. I just hope they won’t rebel against us in the future!

Contributer Brain Berries

Top 7 Recent Innovations That Have a Big Future Top 7 Recent Innovations That Have a Big Future Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, April 26, 2018 Rating: 5

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