8 Safest, Most Secure Locations in the World

Military bases, libraries, secret warehouses and even a… parking lot? Turns out, there are places that are protected more heavily than the White House! For one reason or another these 8 spots are the most secure locations in the world, so don’t go trespassing or you might get shot… or worse!



Area 51
Do you believe in aliens? Because if you saw what’s hidden inside Area 51, you’d know for sure. This military base has all the best features: motion sensors, armed guards patrolling the premises 24/7, mobile frequency jammers, and so on. Deep underground you’d probably find numerous proofs of extraterrestrial life on Earth, but first you’d need to sneak through all that security.



HavenCo Data Center
Seven years ago, without any explanation, the HavenCo data center, located in a fortress on the southeast coast of Great Britain, was closed. The center opened in 2000 on the territory of a virtual state know as Siland. The company HavenCo hoped that the location on sovereign territory would save it from the restrictions of British Internet legislation. HavenCo ceased to exist in 2008. So why is it still so heavily guarded, eh?

The Secret Storehouse of the Mormon Church
Near Salt Lake City there is a repository belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the largest branch of Mormonism). The bunker was built under a granite mountain at a depth of about 200 meters. The repository is designed to withstand a nuclear explosion, and the records are carefully guarded. According to the rumors, some highly secret exhibits are equipped with thermal and motion sensors.

Contributer Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2ksCQD7

8 Safest, Most Secure Locations in the World 8 Safest, Most Secure Locations in the World Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, May 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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