How to Get Repeat Visitors to Your Website

Getting traffic to your website can be pretty tricky, especially when your site is new and the word is still getting out. As you put out more content on your blog, you’ll start attracting new visitors.

But that’s only half the battle.

After spending all that time and energy getting those new visitors, what you really want is to keep them coming back, making purchases and telling their friends about you. What you want is to build an ongoing relationship with them.

So how do you get people to keep coming back to your website? Here are four proven strategies to get repeat visitors.

Present a Clean, Fast, Responsive Website

The first thing you want to do is make a good impression on your visitors by giving them a good experience on the technical side. Your website should feature a responsive design, meaning that it looks good on any device, whether your visitor is viewing it on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Your site should also have fast-loading pages. If it takes forever for your homepage to load all the images, videos and other elements, then first-time visitors are likely to click away before they even give your content a chance.

The design and layouts should also be modern and friendly on the eyes. If your pages are cluttered with blinking ads and giant walls of tiny text with no logical flow, you might lose them quickly.

Address Readers at Every Step of the Buyer’s Journey

The main thing that will keep people coming back to your website is your content, products and services — depending on what kind of business you are operating. Everything else is secondary. So it’s vitally important that you get that part right.

Keep in mind that many visitors to your site won’t make any purchase from you right away. It might take several return visits before they buy whatever it is that you are selling. The reason for this is simple: everyone is at a different point in the buying process.

Some are very ready to make a purchase and will do so on the first or second visit, while others are far from a purchasing decision and are just there to pick up some free information that can help them overcome some situation.

But all of these people can eventually become lifelong customers if you are able to address their needs and help them right where they are in this journey. This is where a blog can be extremely helpful, as it can help people right now by giving some practical guidance and action steps they can use. If you help them now — even without them making a purchase — they are likely to have a positive experience and come back in the future.

Capture Lead/Contact Info From Visitors for Follow-Up

One of the best ways to turn first-time visitors into repeat visitors is to build an email list. That way you can notify them of new blog posts and promotions and send them helpful tips by email. This builds a relationship with these visitors and opens the door to further interactions and sales down the road.

Some proven methods for building your email list include pop-up subscription windows, free lead magnets and signup sheets at events.

Pop-ups sometimes get a bad rap for being intrusive or even annoying. But you cannot deny the fact that they work well for building your mailing list. Experiment with popups to capture emails as soon as visitors land on your site, after they’ve been reading for a while and also try to catch them as they are about to leave your site.

Lead magnets are another great method. A lead magnet is an offer like a free report or ebook that you offer visitors when they subscribe to your email list. Be sure to make it clear that they are opting into your email list and agree to receive promotional emails from you — this is required by law.

Lastly, even old-school methods like putting out a clipboard and pen with a signup sheet when your company does events in the community and at conventions can help you grow your list quickly.

Give Visitors Multiple Ways to Connect with You

While building an email list is a great way to get people to come back to your site, not everyone wants to give out their email. Not only that, but marketing emails are generally one-way in nature.

Many of your visitors will want to connect with your company in other ways too, such as through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat. Be sure to have these accounts up and running with consistent posts and comments. Otherwise, nobody will join your social accounts if they appear to be abandoned.

As you connect with new people on social media, you’ll start to get some of them coming back to your website whenever you post links to new blog posts and promotions. And even if they aren’t always coming back to your site with each social media post, they still see your posts in their feed, so you are building brand awareness at the same time. And that can have a positive effect on your traffic levels and sales over time too.

Getting your website visitors to come back again is one of the biggest challenges facing internet marketers, but it is one of the most important factors that will lead to profitability. By following these four action steps you’ll be able to provide more value to your readers and get them to come back again and again to your website.

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How to Get Repeat Visitors to Your Website How to Get Repeat Visitors to Your Website Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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