Badass Japanese Cab Driver Takes Woman in Labor to Hospital Like an Action Star

A Japanese taxi driver is getting much love from netizens for his speedy transport of a couple about to have a baby.

Twitter user @kakumaro shared a fascinating encounter with the caring and efficient driver who took him and his expectant wife to a hospital after she went into labor, according to SoraNews24.

In his tweets, Kakumaro detailed how the unnamed driver quickly but safely got them to where they needed to be by taking shortcuts and employing some driving maneuvers usually found in action films.

“My wife went into labor so we took a taxi to the hospital. We didn’t even tell the driver anything about her pregnancy, but he put the pedal to the metal and zipped in and out of all manner of backstreets to deliver us right to the door of the hospital. When I was paying the fare, other people stopped by to tell him ‘Move your car out of the way’ to which he snapped back ‘There’s no time for that!’ It really felt like in a movie where the guy says, ‘It’s all up to you now! I’ve got it covered back here!’” wrote Kakumaro.

He then continued in another post: “I couldn’t even say goodbye to him” and then “I can’t even imagine being a taxi driver, just doing my normal job and then realizing I have to get a pregnant woman to hospital, and then dawning on me that she’s practically giving birth in my workplace…”

According to one netizen, KU, the taxi firm behind the cab that took the couple to the hospital, is among the few taxi companies in Japan with a female CEO. He pointed out that this might be the reason the driver was so sympathetic to the clients.

Other commenters also shared similar great stories they encountered with helpful taxis.

“I used a taxi when I was pregnant, too! They told me that they would take note of my number, so if I called them and couldn’t talk, they would know just to send a car right to my home. It was so reassuring to know I didn’t have to worry about that!” Twitter user @skmro_mro wrote.

“When the time came they drove me carefully and quickly, and even let me know that it was okay for me to pay at a later date! These days, what with the nuclear family becoming more common and all, it’s really good to see companies do stuff like this. (I even asked them to send a car that would accept ID-card touch payment and they did!). The old fellow who served you is really wonderful!”

One cab driver chimed in, providing their side of the story as well:

“It really does my heart good to see all this respect for taxi drivers,” wrote Twitter user @sakurasanri1964. “I myself ferry countless pregnant women to the hospital in just one month, and some of them are practically delivering the baby in the car! You want to go as fast as possible to avoid any complications with the pregnancy, but you still have to drive safely. Anyone carrying a baby also needs to be driven super safely! Delivering such customers to their destinations is one of the finest missions we can complete in this profession.”

Kakumaro’s story is certainly a breath of fresh air in the myriad of horror stories encountered by cab users common in other countries.

The next day, the proud new dad uploaded a picture of his beautiful newborn baby.

“Thanks so much for spreading my story so far! Here is my healthy daughter, who came into the world with a bang after that old timer sped her to the hospital. Both she and her mom are doing just great, thanks to everyone’s hard work. #CueExplosions #Birth”

Featured Image via YouTube/ travelmoto

The post Badass Japanese Cab Driver Takes Woman in Labor to Hospital Like an Action Star appeared first on NextShark.

Contributer : NextShark

Badass Japanese Cab Driver Takes Woman in Labor to Hospital Like an Action Star Badass Japanese Cab Driver Takes Woman in Labor to Hospital Like an Action Star Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, July 19, 2018 Rating: 5

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