How to Convert Visitors to Email Subscribers

How to Convert Visitors to Email Subscribers

There are new visitors to your website every day, reading your blog posts and sharing your content on social media, woohoo!

But there’s one problem– your email list is teeny-tiny… maybe even nonexistent.

If a user visits your website, reads a few posts and then leaves, you may have lost them forever. They could have been a future customer, but you’ve missed out on that opportunity by not capturing their email address before they left.

So why aren’t you getting any email subscribers?

If you’re struggling to get email subscribers you’re probably giving your visitors too many opportunities to leave your site without subscribing.

Learn how to convert visitors to email subscribers with simple tweaks to your website that encourage more people to hit that subscribe button.

Why is having an email list so important?

An email list is one of the most valuable tools you can have for your business. It allows you to communicate directly to a large group of people (your audience) anytime you want.

Did you know that 82 percent of consumers check their personal emails every single day?

That’s a ton of people that you could have at your fingertips!

If you want to promote your new blog post, announce a sale or reveal the latest company news – you have a list of people who are all yours.

Your email subscribers are more likely to be buyers of your product. They’re invested in what you have to say to subscribe, so they’ll be more invested in what you’re selling.

Who would you rather sell to, a stranger on the street or one of your biggest fans? I think you know the answer. Let’s jumpstart your email list and get you a ton more subscribers.

1. Use a two-step opt-in

Two-step opt-ins are an amazing way to grow your email list with thousands of qualified leads helping to skyrocket your chances of conversion.

A two-step opt-in campaign uses a psychology principle called the Zeigarnik Effect. This principle says when people start something, they’re more likely to finish it. In the case of your website, having a visitor click on a button incentivizes them to then give their email.

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Like in the example above, the 2-step opt-in popup first has a button that tempts the user, clicking the “Take me there!” button will then redirect them to the next step where the user is asked for their email address. Since the user has already started the process by clicking one button, they are much more likely to finish the process by providing their email.

It’s an engaging way to get your viewers involved and interested so they end up a part of your email list.

2. Embed email forms within your blog posts

Many people that find you through social media or from mobile devices won’t even see your home page. They’ll just click on your article, read it and leave.

Don’t rest the responsibility entirely on your visitor’s shoulders. Make it easy for them to subscribe to your email list by embedding email forms within your blog posts. This will also ensure that your email capture form shows up on mobile devices as users find your blog posts in search.

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As people are reading and scrolling through your post, a way to subscribe to more of your content will be right in front of their noses.

That means more subscribers for you!

3. Install exit-intent popups

Someone is about to click the exit button and leave your site forever, but what if you could convince them instead to stick around and subscribe to your email list?

That’s what you can do with exit-Intent popups and they’re a really effective way to increase conversions.

Exit-Intent popups are able to track when a user is about to leave your site and send them a popup at exactly the right time that will convince them to subscribe to your email list before they go.

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To make your exit-intent popups convert better include an eye-catching photo. Also try using the word ‘Wait’ in your popup. Using this powerful word will pique curiosity in the viewer and they’ll stick around to see what you have to say.

4. Use floating bars and slide-ins

Floating bars and slide-ins are a bit less in-your-face than popups but they’re still effective for growing your email list.

You can lock a floating bar to the top or bottom of your page so it is always in view as visitors scroll through a blog post.

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A slide-in opt-in form appears when visitors are nearing the end of your content. It slides in from the right or left at exactly the right moment, without covering any content to catch attention, rather than annoy.

5. Offer content upgrades

Everyone loves a free gift, which is why offering upgrades within your blog posts works so well to increase conversions.

A content upgrade is a ‘freebie’ that you offer to your visitors in exchange for their email address. By tempting your visitors with something valuable like a PDF guide or free templates, they’ll have no problem handing over their email.

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Just make sure the content upgrade you’re offering is relevant to your article or business in general because this tactic will also help you generate relevant leads that you can sell to in the future.

Ready to grow your email list like crazy?

Now you might think that these ideas would be really difficult to attempt on your own but that’s not the case. There are apps like OptinMonster that make all of this super simple to implement on your site without having to touch code.

So don’t wait any longer to start growing your email list, you’ll wish you started sooner!

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The post How to Convert Visitors to Email Subscribers appeared first on Constant Contact Blogs.

Contributers : Constant Contact Blogs
How to Convert Visitors to Email Subscribers How to Convert Visitors to Email Subscribers Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, July 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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