12 Futuristic Technological Marvels That You Need To Own

Thanks to increasingly shrinking microchips and advances in technology, the amount of data we create doubles every 2 years. This is a trend that isn’t going to end anytime soon either. Indeed, it expected to continue for at least the next decade. But the problem is that, although there is plenty of amazing new technology out there, it is prohibitively expensive. Not to mention the fact that there’s no way to predict how useful these products will be in a few years either because newer technologies will render them obsolete or because nobody ends up buying them.


While ultimately we can never predict whether these technological wonders will be wildly successful or simply collect dust in our closets, it is still worth highlighting their amazing possibilities. With that in mind, we present a list of 12 futuristic products that you should check out.



1. Roku Streaming Stick
Once upon a time, people used to watch TV on their TVs. But these days, most of us get our movie and TV show entertainment from our smartphones or PCs. If we want the full experience of binging on NetFlix from our 60-inch flat screen HDTVs, we typically have to connect our computer to our TV using an HDMI cord. Those days are over, friends. Thanks to the Roku streaming stick, we can stream video content straight to our super dumb TVs as long as you have a WiFi connection.



2. Samsung POWERbot R707​​0 Robot Vacuum
Say, when you’re vacuuming the floor with your low-tech, boring-ass Dirt Devil, do you ever think to yourself, “I hate my life.” If so, you’re being a bit overly dramatic. But there’s a solution out there anyway in the form of the Samsung POWERbot R7070 Robot Vacuum. For a mere $598.00, this technological marvel delivers powerful suction and can navigate around your house autonomously thanks to the company’s latest mapping technology, probably freaking out your dogs in the process. It can also make you dinner…or can it?

3. Petcube bites Pet Camera and Treat Dispenser
Feeling guilty that your Samsung robot monster vacuum cleaner is spooking the dog? Or just want to stalk Rex? The Petcube bites pet camera and treat dispenser is the answer. It comes with an HD camera so you can check up on your dog while you’re away and even fling treats at them! A new one costs just a little more than $200, so it’s definitely worth the investment.



4. Playstation VR Virtual Reality Headset
The idea of a virtually reality headset isn’t necessarily new, but until recently the whole VR experience was kind of lame. But Sony is changing all of that. Their Playstation VR is compatible with the PS4, creating a totally immersive 360 degree experience in which you feel like you’re in the game. The audio features are pretty amazing too, giving you the impression that you are hearing sounds from various distances. Plus you would sort of look like those Daft Punk guys. So another bonus.

Contributer Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2OIxRLx

12 Futuristic Technological Marvels That You Need To Own 12 Futuristic Technological Marvels That You Need To Own Reviewed by mimisabreena on Saturday, August 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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