Create a Facebook Cover Video With Lumen5

We’re having a wonderful time experimenting with Lumen5 in my new Give It A Shot (of espresso) Challenge” group on Blogging Bistro’s Facebook page.

During our first week, group members created and shared about 35 videos. We’ve tried inspirational, educational, book trailers, get-to-know-you, and more. (Scroll down to see samples of our creations.)

What Happens in the Group

We critique each other’s videos and then we edit our creations and re-post the edited version. We also share lots of tips about what works (and doesn’t work) with the app itself.

Most of us are brand new to Lumen5. I confess that I lurked in the group for a full week before I felt brave enough to create my first video. But we’re catching on fast and getting slightly addicted.

We’ll be exploring Lumen5 throughout September, so join us anytime. There’s no timetable, no expectations, and no judgment.

This week, we’re creating Facebook Page cover videos, similar to the one at the top of this post.

Here’s a sampling of videos people in the group created last week and gave me permission to share:

Book Trailer: Out of the Shadow, by Shirley Corder

Personal/Inspirational: Living For The Moment, by Damon Gray

Informational: What Fitness Instructors Want You to Know, by Amy Connell

Business Promo: A Wing and A Prayer, by Marylin Furumasu

Personal/Inspirational: Our Days Are Numbered, by Ava Pennington

Educational: 5 Legal Protections Your Business Needs, by Laura Christianson

5 Tips for Creating a Facebook Page Cover Video

We’re creating cover videos for our Facebook Pages this week. I’ve already viewed several interesting examples in the group.

  1. Facebook recommends uploading a video of 820 x 312 pixels. Choose the Landscape (16:9) format in Lumen5.
  2. Videos can range in length from 20-90 seconds and can loop.
  3. Put the text in the MIDDLE of the screen on each slide. When you position text at the top or bottom of the screen, Facebook cuts it off when they display your cover video.
  4. When people visit your Page, the cover video will automatically begin playing.
  5. The video will play with the sound muted; there is a mute/unmute option in the lower righthand corner of the cover video.

Ready to give it a shot?

Join the 'Give It A Shot' Facebook Group |

Click here to request to join the group:

Each month in the challenge group, we’ll experiment with a different online tool. No pressure to perform. No negativity. Just real people, learning something new together.

Tweet It

Create a Facebook Page cover video with Lumen5 and get feedback in Blogging Bistro’s ‘Give It A Shot’ Challenge group. Join us!

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I’m picking up great tips for how to use Lumen5 in Blogging Bistro’s ‘Give It A Shot’ Challenge group. Come join us!

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Learn to use Lumen5 with help from friends. Join Blogging Bistro's "Give It A Shot Challenge" Facebook group.

Learn to use Lumen5 with help from friends. Join Blogging Bistro’s “Give It A Shot Challenge” Facebook group.

Contributer : Blogging Bistro
Create a Facebook Cover Video With Lumen5 Create a Facebook Cover Video With Lumen5 Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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