9 Actors Who Make Even The Worst Movies Watchable

Despite carefully monitoring the movie reviews to get a clue if it’s worth the money or not, we still sometimes go to see flick we just know will be horrible. Why do we do this? I don’t know about you but I do it for the stars. At least you’re going to enjoy your favorite celebs, if the movie turns out to be awful.


Here are 9 extraordinary actors who make even the worst movies watchable.



1. Mila Kunis
Maybe I’m partial because Mila Kunis is a ridiculously attractive, but hey, if that helps make a bad movie go faster – I’ll take it! Even “Jupiter Ascending” was slightly more palatable with Mila in it!



2. Anthony Hopkins
He may be old, but his skills are as stunning as the day he was born. Yes, that’s my way of saying Anthony Hopkins has been a genius since forever.

3. Ryan Reynolds
The only reason I watched “Green Lantern” until the end was because Ryan Reynolds was in it. And after “Deadpool” and “Detective Pikachu” that man will always be the best part of the movie.

Contributer Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2L20SkK

9 Actors Who Make Even The Worst Movies Watchable 9 Actors Who Make Even The Worst Movies Watchable Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, December 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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