5 unique notebooks that'll help you stick to your 2019 resolutions


If you're finding it borderline impossible to check items off your 2019 to-do list, you're not alone: An analysis conducted by the project management platform Redbooth revealed that people complete just 7.2% of their yearly tasks in January, making it the least productive month of the whole year.

"This may be because the early year is typically for setting goals, not completing them," Redbooth noted in a press release.

Hmm. That sounds like a challenge, wouldn't you say? 

If it's one you choose to accept, we're here to help you get it together. For a limited time, the Mashable Shop is stocked with five different notebooks and planners that are specifically designed for helping you meet your 2019 goals. Whether you want to get in shape, practice mindfulness, or simply stay organized, these babies are here to make the new year your best one yet. Read more...

More about Meditation, Mashable Shopping, Mindful Notebook, Lifestyle, and Work Life

COntributer : Mashable http://bit.ly/2VyJb1c

5 unique notebooks that'll help you stick to your 2019 resolutions 5 unique notebooks that'll help you stick to your 2019 resolutions Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, January 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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