7 Things You Didn’t Know About the Amazon Warriors

You know who Princess Diana of Themyscira is, right? Yes, we’re talking about Wonder Woman! Although she is all about peace, love and harmony, she isn’t afraid to kick some ass when necessary. But she wasn’t just magically born with these mad skills. Nope! Her fellow Amazons made her the fierce superhero (and box office draw!!!) that she is today. It could therefore be said that the story of Wonder Woman is actually a story about the Amazon Warriors collectively! So in tribute to all of the women who made Wonder Woman who she is, we’re come up with a list of 7 things that you might not have known about the Amazon Warriors.
1. They Ride Atop Gigantic Kangaroos
Some people like to ride horses. But the Amazon Warriors know that horses are nothing more than boring versions of unicorns without horns and magic powers! That’s why they opt for these monster kangaroo beasts creatively known as “kangas.” They jump high into the sky as if taking flight. In fact, they can even flight into outer space. How do they survive out there? With special lungs that allow them to hold their breath, of course! Because that’s how comic book science works, guys.
2. Hercules Pulled a Fast One On Them
Hercules is pretty awesome in his own right. You only need to see Arnold Schwarzenegger’s first major movie Hercules Goes Bananas to realize this is the truth. But he’s also kind of a jerk. Just ask Wonder Woman’s mom Hippolyta. It went down like this: Hercules makes his way to Themyscira to steal the Golden Girdle of Gaea, a gift from the goddesses to Hippolyta that gave the Amazon women their super powers. Hippolyta totally didn’t want him to take it, so she challenges him to a fight and wins! But for some reason instead of punishing him she…invites him to party with her and the ladies??? Dumb idea indeed! After the celebrations, Hercules and his dudes drugged the women and promptly stole the Golden Girdle! Oh my!!!
3. Paradise Island Was Meant Serve as Punishment
After the women were stupid enough to be tricked by Hercules into giving up the Golden Girdle, the gods responded by banishing them from the World of Men. Seems like kind of a harsh punishment, no? Except that they were sent to Paradise Island! Way to go, gods!
Contributer Brain Berries http://bit.ly/2RKsxNL

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