Data Protection Day 2019: Privacy firmly in the limelight

We asked some of the leading figureheads and thought-leaders in the field of cybersecurity and privacy to give us their thoughts about what 2019 has in store for us when it comes to privacy and data protection, just days before the Data Protection Day (or Data Privacy Day as it is called in the US). We received more than 100 replies that cover the widest possible spectrum and show how important and critical that field has become for the wider tech community. 

Edward Whittingham, Managing Director at The Defenceworks, added as a conclusion: Data Protection Day approaches 12 years old this year.  And, much like most approaching their formative teenage years, we’re really starting to see Data Protection Day finally gaining its own identity.  For years, we’ve seen these day pass by without often a lot of noise, but very little notice paid by the ordinary person.  Thankfully, times are a changin.  More than ever, we’re seeing people genuinely starting not just to want to protect their data, but understand exactly why it's so important to do so.

People are finally waking up to the fact that their data has been abused by large organisations the world over and, only recently, are we starting to see that shift in power back towards the user, the customer or the employee.  We’ve all got a duty to help Data Protection Day celebrate this latest marker and to ensure it celebrates becoming a teenager in spectacular fashion.  We owe it to Data Protection Day as it comes of age but, more importantly, we owe it to people worldwide. 

Contributer : Techradar - All the latest technology news

Data Protection Day 2019: Privacy firmly in the limelight Data Protection Day 2019: Privacy firmly in the limelight Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, January 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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