8 Things You Need To Know About Navratri April 2019


Indian festivals and holy celebrations are among the most significant events in the country. All quarrels are forgotten, special food is prepared, and Hindu gods and goddesses receive the attention of the people all across India. Needless to say, this spring’s Navratri is also going to be big and exciting as it marks the ending of spring and the beginning of truly hot summer days. Here are 8 things you need to know about Navratri April 2019.



The name ‘Navratri’ literally means ‘nine days’, which is both the length of the festivities and the number of Goddesses worshipped during these nine days. Navratri takes place in autumn and in spring, marking the changing of the seasons. According to the Vedic calendar, new year comes only after Vasanta Navratri in spring!


Mother Goddess (or Maa Shakti) is worshipped during these auspicious days in her nine forms. Also known simply as Devi (goddess) or fearless Durga that removes all miseries from one’s life, Mother Goddess can be referred to as Shakti – the female power that makes everything alive and without which the world itself would cease to exist!



It means that this is one of the most female empowering celebrations you’ve ever witnessed or taken part in! The main Hindu Godesses will be worshipped on different days of Navratri: Laxmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity; Durga, the remover or all vices and impurities; Saraswati, the goddess of art and wisdom.

Contributer Brain Berries https://ift.tt/2FKcy9w

8 Things You Need To Know About Navratri April 2019 8 Things You Need To Know About Navratri April 2019 Reviewed by mimisabreena on Sunday, March 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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