Chris Evans may 'cut ties' with Tom Brady over Trump


Chris Evans, Avenger and overall number one Chris, may have to snap his finger and turn his Tom Brady fandom into dust if the superstar quarterback continues to support President Donald Trump.

The revelation came in a wide-ranging interview with The Hollywood Reporter, pegged to the upcoming Avengers: Endgame which is projected to make roughly a bajillion dollars at the box office this summer. 

When asked if he would play Brady in a biopic, Evans, who has been vocal about his love of the Patriots, said:

The whole Brady-Trump thing goes way back to 2015 when a red Trump MAGA hat was spotted in Brady's locker. Trump has long embraced Brady's apparent support, name-dropping the QB frequently. Brady, for his part, has remained mum, which is probably smart given everything Trump has done.  Read more...

More about Donald Trump, Chris Evans, Tom Brady, New England Patriots, and Culture

COntributer : Mashable

Chris Evans may 'cut ties' with Tom Brady over Trump Chris Evans may 'cut ties' with Tom Brady over Trump Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, March 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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