Jeweler Creates $139,000 Chopsticks For Actual Crazy Rich Asians

A jeweler in Gold Coast, Australia has created one of the most expensive chopsticks in the world with a selling price of $198,500 Australian dollars ($139,000).

The 18-carat gold chopsticks are created by master goldsmith Paul Amey of Erotic Jewellery Company in Australia.

We like fine dining, especially high-end Chinese but it’s never served with the right cutlery. So in jest, I decided to make my own,” Amey told The Gold Coast Bulletin last month.

It took Amey 340 hours to create these chopsticks, which were embedded with diamonds, pearls, and ebony.

While the utensil is pleasing to look at, Amey said that the chopsticks are also functional. In addition to that, the pearl attached at the end of one of the sticks is also removable and it can be worn as a necklace.

Images screenshot via Facebook / 7newssydney

The post Jeweler Creates $139,000 Chopsticks For Actual Crazy Rich Asians appeared first on NextShark.

Contributer : NextShark

Jeweler Creates $139,000 Chopsticks For Actual Crazy Rich Asians Jeweler Creates $139,000 Chopsticks For Actual Crazy Rich Asians Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, March 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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