There are 48 exotic weapons in 'Destiny 2' right now — and we've ranked them all, from worst to best

destiny 2 black armory

  • Exotic weapons are the best part of "Destiny 2," Bungie's sci-fi first-person shooter for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
  • We've compiled the complete list of exotic weapons you can obtain in "Destiny 2," and ranked them based on utility for various "Destiny 2" activities.
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There's so much to do in "Destiny 2." But one of the best chases in the game is finding all of its exotic weapons.

Exotic weapons are the rarest items in the game. They are completely unique from every other item in the game, and extremely powerful, so you're limited to using only one at a time.

Collecting all of the exotic weapons in "Destiny 2" requires time, effort, and perseverance. Some of them are obtainable through quest lines, while others are random low-chance rewards for completing specific activities.

Here, we've compiled the full list of exotic weapons available in "Destiny 2," and ranked them based on utility for various activities in the game. We're keeping this list updated, as new content is regularly added to the game. 

Check out our ranking of exotic weapons in "Destiny 2."

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48. The Jade Rabbit

Type: Scout rifle

How to obtain: Random reward

Exotic perk: "The Fate of All Fools - Chain body shots to gain bonus damage on your next precision shot and return ammo to the magazine."

Two cents: The Jade Rabbit is not a very good exotic option in "Destiny 2." Scout rifles are generally weaker guns in the game right now, but Jade Rabbit also suffers from a slow rate of fire and an exotic perk that's useful in only some situations.

47. Skyburner’s Oath

Type: Scout rifle

How to obtain: Random reward

Exotic perk: "Slug Rifle - This weapon fires Solar slugs that get stronger when aiming down sights."

Two cents: Skyburner's Oath got an update earlier this year to make its projectiles track targets when you fire from the hip, but even with that tweak, it's still a pretty weak, slow-firing gun that's outclassed by many other weapons in the game.

46. Borealis

Type: Sniper rifle

How to obtain: Random reward

Exotic perk: "The Fundamentals - Holding the reload button changes this weapon's damage type, cycling between Solar, Arc and Void."

Two cents: Borealis is a great option if you need to take out lots of enemy shields, but there are better snipers on this list.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

Contributer : Tech Insider
There are 48 exotic weapons in 'Destiny 2' right now — and we've ranked them all, from worst to best There are 48 exotic weapons in 'Destiny 2' right now — and we've ranked them all, from worst to best Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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