Uber Air announces first international city to trial flying taxis


Uber has announced the first international city its flying taxis one day might be buzzing over. 

The Australian city of Melbourne will join Los Angeles and Dallas as the third official pilot city for Uber Air, the rideshare company’s ambitious project to transport people in short distances via the skies. 

Test flights are expected in 2020, with commercial operations aimed for as soon as 2023. Uber claims trips will be priced the same as an UberX ride over the same distance, but we’ll see about that. 

"Australian governments have adopted a forward-looking approach to ridesharing and future transport technology," Uber Australia, New Zealand and North Asia general manager Susan Anderson said in a statement. Read more...

More about Tech, Australia, Transportation, Uber, and Uber Air

COntributer : Mashable http://bit.ly/2Iywca5

Uber Air announces first international city to trial flying taxis Uber Air announces first international city to trial flying taxis Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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