Despite embracing the government, DEF CON maintains its mischievous hacker roots


Raucous applause filled the the large convention room inside Las Vegas's Paris casino: the government had arrived.

Seated behind a table at the annual DEF CON conference in Las Vegas was Congressman Ted Lieu, and, joined by Rep. James Langevin of Rhode Island, he had come to ask a large crowd of hackers and security professionals for help. The once famously Fed-averse crowd was loving it

But don't get it twisted — DEF CON hadn't gone soft. The mischievous and lawless side of this assemblage of the hacker community was out in full effect – assuming, that is, you knew where to look.  Read more...

Inviting the Man to your party

More about Hackers, Def Con, Tech, and Cybersecurity

COntributer : Mashable

Despite embracing the government, DEF CON maintains its mischievous hacker roots Despite embracing the government, DEF CON maintains its mischievous hacker roots Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, August 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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