Future-proof your skincare regime with these tech-inspired beauty treatments

Never one to rest on its laurels, the beauty industry is known for constantly innovating to keep up with consumer trends and needs. And as technology becomes more intuitive, environmentally conscious and easier to access, it’s leading to newer beauty and wellness possibilities for those of us who love to love the skin we’re in. Here are just a few of the latest procedures and products making it easier than ever to stay fresh, fine and cute 365 days of the year.
Swap your razor for the laser
If you find yourself regularly adding “razors” or any other number of popular hair removal products to your shopping list, it might be time to consider switching to laser hair removal. Hear us out – there are plenty of environmental and sustainable reasons why laser treatments provide better alternatives to shaving and other hair removal methods. Not only is laser a great way to avoid wasting huge amounts of water in the shower, it also means saying goodbye to your disposable razors for good (same goes for shaving creams and lotions that are filled with harmful chemicals). Disposable razors are one of the largest contributors to household waste and can take decades to break down. Read more...
More about Lifestyles Leisure, Environmentally Friendly, Beauty Trend, Lifestyle Tech, and Beauty TechCOntributer : Mashable https://ift.tt/2ru6Chw

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