10 Things No One Knows About Mexico

Mexico is one of the most vibrant and beautiful countries in the world. It’s popular for its culture, spicy dishes, amazing beaches and ancient relics that are thousands of years old. Yet there’s so much we don’t know about it! The history of bullfighting, the origin of chocolate and chili, the infamous Tabasco sauce that’s named after a Mexican state, but is actually produced in the U.S. – these facts are only the tip of the iceberg that’s called ‘Mexico’. Here are a few things that will totally change your perception of this country.



Corn, Chocolate and Chilies
Meso-American people that lived on the territory of modern Mexico were the first ones to discover chocolate. Aztecs called it xocolatl, which means ‘bitter water’ in Nahuatl. They used this amazing drink for ceremonies and other religious purposes. Mayans even had a goddess of chocolate named Ixcacao (hence, the word ‘cacao’ was introduced into the English language). Central Mexico is also the first place where corn was cultivated. Chilies also came from this vibrant and prosperous country.



The ‘Ring of Fire’
Not many people know that Mexico is located in one of the most seismic-active zones on the planet. The Ring of Fire is home to the world’s most violent earthquakes and more than 450 active volcanoes. The most dangerous volcano in the world, the infamous Popocatépetl, is located just 70km from Mexico City and can easily be seen on a clear day.

The Sinking City
The capital of Mexico is in great danger. Due to the fact that it was built on the lake, the capital is slowly sinking, losing 15-20 cm each year. Since the beginning of the 20th century Mexico City has sunk almost 11 meters into the water. All of the city’s architectural splendor and historical sites are in danger of disappearing forever.

Contributer Brain Berries http://ift.tt/2dtxfqj

10 Things No One Knows About Mexico 10 Things No One Knows About Mexico Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, October 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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