Hong Kong Uncle Casually Sitting at Starbucks During Heavy Flood is My Spirit Animal

Hong Kong is currently under heavy rain and preparing for an upcoming Super Typhoon this week. While most people would opt to take shelter at home, one man has decided that nothing was going to come between him and his coffee.

A man was recently photographed hanging out at Starbucks, while drinking coffee and reading the newspaper as flood water was rising underneath him — and he could care less.


The photo went viral and spark a small photoshop battle.

Fortunately, the water has now been pumped out and restored to its original condition. Hopefully, Starbucks Uncle will be able to enjoy his coffee without any distractions.


The post Hong Kong Uncle Casually Sitting at Starbucks During Heavy Flood is My Spirit Animal appeared first on NextShark.

Contributer : NextShark

Hong Kong Uncle Casually Sitting at Starbucks During Heavy Flood is My Spirit Animal Hong Kong Uncle Casually Sitting at Starbucks During Heavy Flood is My Spirit Animal Reviewed by mimisabreena on Friday, October 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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