Ever Feel Like You're Falling As You Drift To Sleep? Here Are 9 Behaviors Explained

The human body is a mysterious thing. We do things all the time like yawning, sneezing, and stretching, without even thinking about them. Even if we don't take the time to wonder why, scientists do. They spend their time studying the body and its many behaviors, and they have answers to some of the most common questions. Here's what happening when your body starts doing its own thing. 1. Yawning Flickr / Scott When your brain gets too hot or overwhelmed, yawning helps keep it calm, cool, and collected. Read More: If The Sun Were To Ever Disappear, Here Are...

Contributer : ViralNova.com http://ift.tt/2fISDcQ
Ever Feel Like You're Falling As You Drift To Sleep? Here Are 9 Behaviors Explained Ever Feel Like You're Falling As You Drift To Sleep? Here Are 9 Behaviors Explained Reviewed by mimisabreena on Thursday, November 24, 2016 Rating: 5

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