It Looks Like They Can't Possibly Swim In This Puddle, But They Dive Right In

Swimming is one of the best parts of the summer. I love to dive right in and cool off, and I'm not talking about only swimming pools. I grew up splashing around in lakes and streams that loads of people wouldn't dare dip their toes in. That's why I was baffled by this video that seems to show three men diving into a puddle and disappearing entirely. It's totally bizarre -- and kind of creepy -- to see them go under and not Fortunately, there is a natural explanation for what we're seeing. The guys are likely in a...

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It Looks Like They Can't Possibly Swim In This Puddle, But They Dive Right In It Looks Like They Can't Possibly Swim In This Puddle, But They Dive Right In Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, December 27, 2016 Rating: 5

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