Stop Everything -- You Need To Start Planning A Trip To The Island Of Donkeys In PJ's

If you ever travel to France, there's an extremely adorable reason why you need to visit the Island of Rhea, or Île-de-Ré, near La Rochelle. While the place is beautiful in and of itself, what makes it even better are its furry residents, the Poitou donkeys. The first thing you'll notice about them isn't their size, or even their long, shaggy coats. What will really catch your eye are the pajama pants that they're wearing. Taken from the Poitou province, these animals were used to work in the island's fields and salt marshes back in the day. They're one of...

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Stop Everything -- You Need To Start Planning A Trip To The Island Of Donkeys In PJ's Stop Everything -- You Need To Start Planning A Trip To The Island Of Donkeys In PJ's Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, December 27, 2016 Rating: 5

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