Desert City Is Breathtaking From Above, But On The Ground It Tells A Different Story

The Iraqi town of Najaf is considered one of the holiest cities in all the Middle East. It holds the tomb of Ali, the first imam of the Shi'ites. Ali succeeded Mohammed as the Fourth Caliph and ruled over the nation until 661 C.E. when he was assassinated by a group known as the Kharijites. Back then, Najaf was only a small village, but became the large city it is known as today after another caliph passed through the village and decided that in order to honor the resting place of Ali, a grand mausoleum should be built. Today, Najaf...

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Desert City Is Breathtaking From Above, But On The Ground It Tells A Different Story Desert City Is Breathtaking From Above, But On The Ground It Tells A Different Story Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Rating: 5

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