Digital advertising spend continues its meteoric rise in 2017

Chart of the Day: Online spend surges whilst spending on newspaper advertising slumps

GroupM predicts that global marketing spend will reach an impressive $1 trillion dollars this year. But that increase in spend isn't evenly distributed across marketing mediums.

It varies considerably from country to country, so it's worth breaking down the spend across the major economies. Brazil is the only country with digital ad spend falling. This is due to the country being in the grips of the worst recession it has experienced since the 1930s.

Elsewhere the trends are broadly positive, especially for digital. We're seeing large increases across the board, with digital ad spend surging by an impressive 30% in India and a strong 15% in the UK. The USA is by far the largest mature economy with the biggest ad market, and digital spend is still increasing by a healthy 9%. TV ad revenue is also growing, though at a far slower rate. Advertising in newspapers is taking a battering on the other hand, although this trend could be mitigated by brands renewing their faith in print after this week's revelation that big brands had accidentally been funding terror through programmatic ad networks.

Contributer : Smart Insights
Digital advertising spend continues its meteoric rise in 2017 Digital advertising spend continues its meteoric rise in 2017 Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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