How Could They Miss This!? Couple Walks Right Past Bear Outside Their Front Door

As humans have built and expanded cities, encounters with wildlife -- including dangerous animals -- have become more and more common. Right now in California, the bear population is estimated to be between 25,000 and 30,000, with most living high up in the mountains away from civilization. That doesn't mean there's not some crossover, however, as one visiting couple recently discovered. Bob and Irene McKeown were on vacation at a home in Pasadena when they exited the front door. Totally oblivious, they locked up without noticing that a brown bear was staring right at them from just a few feet...

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How Could They Miss This!? Couple Walks Right Past Bear Outside Their Front Door How Could They Miss This!? Couple Walks Right Past Bear Outside Their Front Door Reviewed by mimisabreena on Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Rating: 5

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