Little Boy's Family Decided To Surrender His Dog, So He Left A Heartbreaking Note

In an ideal world, all animals adopted out from shelters would be great fits for their families and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. One family was recently heartbroken about surrendering their furry friend when they brought him to the Humane Society of Utah in hopes of giving him a second chance at finding a forever home. The dog, named Rhino Lightning, is playful and rambunctious, and he was accidentally injuring the smallest members of the house when he played. What made this surrender different was the spiral-bound notebook full of instructions written by the boy...

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Little Boy's Family Decided To Surrender His Dog, So He Left A Heartbreaking Note Little Boy's Family Decided To Surrender His Dog, So He Left A Heartbreaking Note Reviewed by mimisabreena on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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