Quiz: What Is Your Most Dominant Personality Trait According To This Color Preference Test

23ff2323f2f23f23fimage via – playbuzz.com Color Preference and it’s correlation to dominant personality traits have been scientifically studied by researchers in the field of Psychology for many decades.  It has been shown that the colors you are drawn to, tend to be reflective of your character, and how you relate to others. Faber Birren, a pioneer in the field of color study and author of 24 books regarding color, has concluded that color preferences have a high degree of accuracy in predicting personality traits and the life choices people make.  You are about to take an 8 question QUIZ below, in which you will be presented colored images. You will be asked a question that taps into color saliency, preference and associations. With each question try to give your first “gut-level” response; do not overthink the answer and you will find that the analysis of your dominant personality traits will be more accurate.  Perhaps your responses will reveal that: YOU ARE A GENTLE FORGIVING PERSON; YOU ARE CHARITABLE; YOU ARE HUMOROUS; YOU ARE BRAVE, YOU ARE ANGRY or something else entirely. Have fun taking the quiz and let us know if the conclusion about your dominant personality trait, resonates with how you see yourself.  Remember to go with your very first response.
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Quiz: What Is Your Most Dominant Personality Trait According To This Color Preference Test Quiz: What Is Your Most Dominant Personality Trait According To This Color Preference Test Reviewed by mimisabreena on Monday, February 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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